Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Site News

Soooo it seems I haven't made any posts on the site for a couple weeks and I just wanted to update the loyal readers on what is going on. Below are the Top Ten Reasons Why the site hasn't been updated....

10. Enjoying all the silly summer holidays.

9. The BIGS for the Nintendo Wii

8. Reading all the GREAT DC titles.

7. Doing yardwork...lots of yardwork.

6. Playing PC games.

5. Working on NEW "Cee Diddy Ponders..."

4. Work.

3. Watching Summer Television like Hell's Kitchen

2. Busy growing my hair out.

1. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition!!!

More posts coming soon.


Unknown said...

Resident Evil 4 is incredible!

J-Stew said...

yard work!? Lets get some comic con updates!