Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fact or Fact?

Here at Cee Diddy Holla we only present the FACTS. Welcome to our new column entitled "Fact or Fact?'

FACT - Nick Fury is the MAN and will remind you of this during Secret Invasion!

FACT - Myspace is GAY!

FACT - Grant Morrison is the greatest Batman writer of all time!

FACT - Having long hair is more metal than having no hair!

FACT - Iron Maiden is the BEST live show you'll ever see!

FACT - DC's Final Crisis will PWN Marvel's Secret Invasion!

FACT - The Karate Kid is the greatest movie of all time!

FACT - The greatest wrestler of all time retired at Wrestlemania 24!

FACT - The New York Comicon is next week and I will be there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FACT - Derek will have to sleep on the air mattress.