Friday, April 6, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Adventures on Yahoo
Years ago chat rooms were a lot of fun. You could go in, meet some cool people and actually end up making some new friends. Now I guess they all use MySpace to meet people, but I can't go that route. So I've been trolling around Yahoo chat rooms and quickly found that it's mostly bots. So here's the setup. I go in to a room and then quickly I start to get IMs. Here's how it went down...
sxynsultryb_a_b_e: Hi there! What's happening? And your a/s/l?ceediddy4h: 28/m/Mass, u?
sxynsultryb_a_b_e: It's great to meet you! My name is Eva, 18 F/Dallas. Do you wanna talk about sex with me?
ceediddy4h: What part of sex do you want to talk about?sxynsultryb_a_b_e: I would like to know more about you, anything exciting in your lifes these days?
ceediddy4h: well I enjoy robbing banks while wearing a Spider-Man mask.
sxynsultryb_a_b_e: okay, Here's a pic of me: Tell me more about you, what do u do for a living?
ceediddy4h: Hey, whats your story?
hunny_elenor_307: hi there!
ceediddy4h: Hi!
hunny_elenor_307: well hello there
ceediddy4h: So whats your story?
hunny_elenor_307: Hmm, well I'm 19 I go to school in Southern California, I love to chat and play on my web cam
ceediddy4h: So are you a bot or a real person?
hunny_elenor_307: no
ceediddy4h: you're neither?
hunny_elenor_307: Thanks I like you, your so nice
ceediddy4h: Are you Pro-Choice?
hunny_elenor_307: Yes, I believe everyone should have their own personal choice of issues.
ceediddy4h: I'll be dammed
hunny_elenor_307: Congratulations.
ceediddy4h: What did I win?
hunny_elenor_307: You said "undefined" .
ceediddy4h: no I sed dammed
hunny_elenor_307: Ayuh. That's good information.
ceediddy4h: Only the best
hunny_elenor_307: Thanks for the info.
ceediddy4h: No, thank you
hunny_elenor_307: Ah.
sweetnnprettybabe181: Hello there! How's it going? ...ASL please?ceediddy4h: 28/m u?
sweetnnprettybabe181: Happy to meet U! I am Michelle 18/girl/New York. You do have a dirty mind, DON'T YOU??
ceediddy4h: Well I was brainwashed recently
sweetnnprettybabe181: Here is a link to my pic: How would you describe yourself?ceediddy4h: Borderline retarded, but in a sexy way
sweetnnprettybabe181: I am getting blank messages from you must be some kind of a chat problem
ceediddy4h: I hope not, I think we're soul mates
sweetnnprettybabe181: I love oralsex - do u prefer to GET or GIVE head? & would u rather have my pussy shaved or with hair?
ceediddy4h: well I do love getting head, like a nice big head of lettuce
sweetnnprettybabe181: I think ur sexy & u turn me on - chatting w/u gets my pussy wet and nipples hard
ceediddy4h: wow, do you have a food fetish?
sweetnnprettybabe181: =>Are you kinky like me?....Tell me about it, I would love to hear?
ceediddy4h: well I don't know if it's kinky but I love a woman dressed as Super Mario
sweetnnprettybabe181: I really luv chatting with u, but my computer really has to b restarted so I want to meet u back in the member's area of the site I gave u before?
ceediddy4h: nice, that's a good one.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac
As usual we just want everyone to know that the thoughts of Shane-O-Mac in no way reflect the thoughts of everyone else at Cee Diddy Holla. He's pretty much insane.
1 - Dick Grayson now feels he is the new Ben Affleck by trying to get Batwoman to convert back to the dick.
2 - Cory is kind of like the Punisher
3 - Wonder Woman is finally written by a woman
4 - We all know that Mark Bagley draws 15 year old Mary Jane and Kitty Pride having a lesbian free for all.
5 - TMNT was still just as awesome as it always was.
6 - Nicholas Cage wanted to be Ghost Rider so bad he...ok let me try this again. Nicholas Cage wanted to be Ghost Rider sooooo bad fuck it, HE JUST SUCKS!!!
7 - World War Hulk will later be known as World War Waste of Time
8 - In the World War 3 picture for some reason Jason Todd likes to go into the batcave and stare into the glass naked with his clothes in hand.
9 - In the upcoming event, DC Countdown we'll find out that there is another form of kryptonite which is shaped as a vagina that makes Superman cry all the time.
10 - Steve McNiven is just a nice guy.
11 - The Adam Kubert Superman figures are supposed to come out this year. And by this year he meant 2008, and by 2008 he meant never and by never he meant forget I ever existed.
12 - Heath Ledger is playing the Joker in the next Batman movie but he's not a comic book movie fan. He says movies like that are boring. Right Heath, and movies about cowboys taking it up the ass are just non-stop adrenaline rushes. Fuck You!
13 - With Bagley doing a fill in arc for Mighty Avengers, the Bendis Bagley team will never end. Just like the team of gay's and aids.
14 - Topher Grace wasn't originally supposed to play Venom, he was going to play Spider-Man. But then Tobey Macguire settled for a billion dollars instead of the two billion he wanted.
15 - Stone Cold Steve Austin watched Vince McMahon get his head shaved, gave Donald Trump the stunner and has a movie coming out where he uses giant guns for the hell of it. Who says you can't kick ass and chew bubble gum at the same time?
16 - Guitar Hero 2 comes out for the Xbox 360 this week. Nothing like faking your way to stardom with better graphics.
17 - President Bush was appalled by 300 because he said that Frank Miller blew his idea for a retaliation against the Middle East.
18 - Damon Lindeloff told everyone that if he actually completed Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk then it would be the end of LOST and the world as we all know it. I think he just doesn't have an ending to that story either.
19 - A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
20 - Grinder by Judas Priest is going to be played through out the whole movie of Grind House.
Posted by
7:37 PM
You Tube Theater
For those who don't know MC Chris is a dope ass underground rapper that makes music about Star Wars, video games, smoking up, and anything geek related. His CD "Eating's Not Cheating" is a classic and should be checked out by everyone. This week's You Tube Theater is dedicated to MC Chris. You've also heard his vocal talents on cartoons like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sea Lab 2021. Check out the videos below and take the time to check out his website by clicking HERE.
Posted by
7:10 PM
My Boyfriend Made Me Read....
Mighty Avengers #1
Writer: Brian Micheal Bendis
Artist: Frank Cho
I am semi new to reading comic books, so ignoring the fact i had to reread all the pages....the book was still "eh." But maybe it was due to the fact that I had trouble following the then and now setups.
As for the story itself it was also "eh." the whole book was a set up to seek the "perfect" team of Avengers. Most of the time they named a bunch of characters I don't know.
When it comes to the art, the way Frank Cho drew the Wasp's ass was nice. Um. So yea. OH! and the ending confused the hell out of me. Right, so Iron Man goes in after the Mole Man and then emerges a FEMALE super hero...naked....uh huh... what happened to Iron Man?
The next book that my boyfriend is making me read is DC's Brave & the Bold #2, featuring Green Lantern and Supergirl.
Posted by
6:58 PM