Crazy Ass Rumors
* 2011 could be the biggest summer for Marvel movie fans of all time. Not only is "Captain America" and "The Avengers" scheduled by Marvel Studios, we now have the rumor that Sony is looking to release Spider-Man 4 in May of 2011.
* Abin Sur will be the leader of the Black Lanterns.
* Sinestro will be joining the Green Lanterns Corp.
* Bart Allen will be returning during Legion of 3 Worlds.
* Bane will be the mystery member joining the new ongoing "Secret Six" series.
* Azrael is finally coming back to the world of DC comics.
* Tim Drake will become Nightwing in the coming months.
* "Ultimate Origins" will reveal that Peter Parker already had powers before he was bit by the spider.
* There are two Cyclops running around the Marvel Universe right now. The one featured in "New X-Men" is a skrull.
* Thomas Jane is rumored to be the title character in "Jonah Hex".