Friday, June 29, 2007

Cee Diddy Exclusive

Last week it was an exclusive interview with Steven Wacker, and this week I got to sit down with Bill Rosemann. Behold another exclusive one question in from Cee Diddy....

CeeDiddy4h: With the exception of the upcoming Ultimate Wolverine title, are there any characters you would like to see get their own series?

Rosemann: I could say Sasquatch… but Iron Man and the Hulk and Captain America and Silver Surfer all have movies in the works, so, CeeDiddy4h, I'll say them.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You Tube Theater

Site News

Just a small update on what's going here at "New Cee Diddy Holla". First we're sad to announce that "20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac" has ended for the foreseeable future. Shane has come down with a bad case of heroin and is currently recovering. "Cee Diddy Meets..." has three more installments until season one ends. Will Cee Diddy get to meet the real Spider-Man? "Down for the Count" which was originally a post by DC Harris will now become a feature by myself and Harris. More details on that to come. Also the response to "Cee Diddy Ponders..." has been great so expect that as a weekly series as "Cee Diddy Meets..." comes to an end for the season. Finally the Diddy-verse will be growing soon. I will be posting a new list of sites that will be added to the links list. As always we're open to suggestions for new post. If you have a pitch just hit me up anytime as


Cee Diddy Meets....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

News You Already Know

* So Manhunt 2 may never be coming out. It seems the game got an rating of AO(adults only) and both Nintendo and Sony have a policy that they don't release games rated AO. Some fans are crying foul but let's think about it for a moment. The screenshots were ugly and the game sounded like more hype than anything else. Also even if they did release the game with an AO rating, you wouldn't be able to get it in most stores. Even Gamestop and EB can't carry AO games.

* Sam Jackson filmed his part in the Iron Man movie last week. It's being reported that geeks will be creaming their pants as Sam Jackson will play Nick Fury in the upcoming Iron Man movie. This should be the first step towards The Avengers movie. No word yet if Fury will be appearing in The Incredible Hulk.

* DC Tanget Universe is looking to come back. It's already known that the Tangent Universe is one of the 52 Earths. Expect a new series to revolve around Kyle Rayner/Ion.

* Robert Kirkman and Phil Hester's Ant Man series will be cancelled as of issue 12. This doesn't mean the book is gone for good though. If the fans demand it, the title could get a second chance.

Monday, June 25, 2007