Marvel Studios debuted in a big way over the weekend with Iron Man. The iron-clad avenger brought in 100.7 million dollars domestic, and over 200 mil worldwide. It's no surprise that Marvel Studio announced a sequel today that is slated for April 30, 2010. Marvel Studios also announced the rest of their movies for the next three years. Here's a quick recap of what was announced.
- Iron Man 2 - 4/10/10
- Thor - 6/4/10
- Captain America 5/6/11
- The Avengers - July 2011
Absent from this list is the previously mentioned Ant-Man movie. It has also been said by Marvel Studios that they only want to release during the key summer season, therefore they do not have a 2009 release. Although Wolverine comes out in 2009, it is not being released by Marvel Studios.
We have until 2010 before the next piece of The Avengers puzzle is put in to place. That's more than enough time to speculate about what to expect. Will see War Machine in Iron Man 2? Will the Thor movie take place in Asgard? Can Marvel Studios deliver a Captain America movie that completely takes place during WW2? Are we really going to get an Avengers movie in 2011? One thing we know for sure. It is good to be a comic book movie fan again.