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Best Superman video game of all time
Finally this week we have the best part of the original Captain America movie.
"It's better than the last blog cause it says "New"...dumbass." ~Winston Churchill
Best Superman video game of all time
Finally this week we have the best part of the original Captain America movie.
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7:55 PM
Labels: Captain America, South Park, Superman
* It seems like only yesterday that we reported that Sony wanted to film two new Spider-Man movies at the same time. It's now being said that James Vanderbilt has turned in a working script to Sony that has is rumored to be so epic that Sony wants to cut in to two screenplays and shoot both movies at the same time. At the moment nothing is official and no director is even attached. If this does go down, expect Sony to back up the Brinks truck and get Rami back to spin some more webs.
* Fox is talking more and more about doing a Magento movie. As of now the movie would is rumored to feature, Magneto, Charles Xaiver, and Beast. I don't think this project will end up getting the green light unless the Wolverine movie makes some "Iron Man Cash".
* DC Comics has confirmed that Barry Allen is returning during "Final Crisis". So what happens to Wally? Some are speculating that Wally won't make it out alive during "Final Crisis" and could even come to his demise in "Rouge's Revenge". The back up rumor to this is that Bart Allen will be coming back in the upcoming "Legion of Three Worlds" and will go back to being Kid Flash as a sidekick to Barry Allen.
* Two rumored Decepticons for "Transformers 2" are Soundwave and Ravage.
* A strong rumor going around right now is that the "Young Avengers/Runaways: Secret Invasion" book is going to be a bloodbath for the young teams.
* The JSA is getting bigger and bigger. One strong rumor is that after "Final Crisis" half of the JSA will end up on another Earth to form the All-Star Squadron
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6:44 PM
IFC has a new daily web series. It's called"Wilfred" and you can check out the first webisode below. If you like what you see you should check out rest of the series at
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12:02 PM
Labels: IFC