Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion
Check out the teaser trailer for "Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion"
You can watch it in full-screen and it looks sweet.
"It's better than the last blog cause it says "New"...dumbass." ~Winston Churchill
Check out the teaser trailer for "Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion"
You can watch it in full-screen and it looks sweet.
Posted by
12:14 PM
* The biggest rumor going around right now is that at the end of "Batman: R.I.P." a chase for the the cowl will result in Dick Grayson becoming Batman and Jason Todd becoming Red Robin. The "Nightwing" book will be renamed "Red Robin" and "Robin" will become "Batman & Robin".
*A third Christopher Nolan "Batman" movie just might be in the works. The rumor is that a third film might be titled "Gotham". It is also being rumored that Angelina Jolie could be suiting up ass Catwoman.
* Sony Pictures and Fox Studios are looking to recreate what Marvel Pictures have started with "Iron Man" and "Incredible Hulk". The upcoming Wolverine film will help expand the X-Men universe and possible lead to the Magento film. There is also the rumored X-Men prequel that would focus on the team when they were young. The X-Men prequel would feature a team on Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Banshee, Quicksilver, Beast, among others. Sony has announced they want to look in to doing a "Venom" film. If Sony and Fox can come up with some good spin-off films they could start crossing them over just like Marvel Pictures plans to do.
* After the bomb of "The Love Guru" was dropped on our laps, Mike Meyers has decided to go back to the well. No this doesn't mean we get that third Wayne's World movie, it means a fourth Austin Powers movie. The movie is rumored follow Dr.Evil as the main character.
* I really hate rumors about a third Batman movie. I know I already posted two but I have two more that need to be addressed. The first one is an old favorite. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is being courted to play Penguin in the next film. For those of you who remember, this rumor has been out there since "Batman Begins" came out. Our other rumor is a new one. Johnny Depp is being rumored to play Riddler in the next film. Keep in mind there isn't even a third film written yet.
Posted by
6:17 PM
Posted by
10:55 PM
Labels: Venom
Today we add CollegeHumor to the Diddy-verse. CollegeHumor is a great site to check out some funny vids. We're going to try to add a video or two a week. Check out the site at CollegeHumor.com
Posted by
3:01 PM
Spider-Man made a deal with the devil to keep his Aunt May alive. It didn't cost him any cash, but did cost him a red-headed piece of ass. Now you can find out how much your soul is worth and see if it's time to cash in.
$221,580 Soul Dollars
Quiz brought to you by money.co.uk
Posted by
9:40 AM
Labels: Spider-Man
Welcome to a new post that is specially catered for the ladies. Each post will be unique and help the lovely ladies who love nerds, understand them even more.
10 Phrases That Could Turn the "Clark Kent" of Any Nerd in to a "Man of Steel"
Posted by
8:35 PM
Labels: Alan Moore, Dark Knight, iron Man, Spider-Man 3, Watchmen, Wonder Woman
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Nuff Said
Part One
Posted by
7:38 PM
Here by popular request is the "News You Already Know: SDCC 08' Edition"
* Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert will be reuniting for a small run on Batman. The story is titled "What Ever Happened to the Cape Crusader". The title is a play off of the classic Superman story, "What Ever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow". The story will be taking place after "Batman R.I.P." The interesting thing is that Alan Moore's Superman story of a similar title was the closing chapter on an entire chapter of Superman. "What Ever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" ended the character's silver age continuity so that an upcoming reboot could take place. Does this mean the same will be happening for Batman?
* Mark Millar will be returning to Marvel's Ultimate Universe. No word on exactly which title he will be working on. Early speculation is a return to "The Ultimates"
* Andy Diggle and artist Roberto De La Torre have been announced as the new creative team for Marvel's "Thunderbolts". Expect a few new members to be added to the team.
* DC Comics has acquired the rights to the "Archie Heroes". Characters like The Shield, The Web, The Comet, The Fly, The Jaguar, and The Black Hood are all being brought in to the DC mainstream by writer J. Michael Straczynski. JMS will be reintroducing these forgotten character in his upcoming run on "Brave & the Bold".
* Geoff Johns has written an episode of "Smallville" that will introduce Legion in to the series.
* Writer Valerie D'Orazio will be bringing Marvel Comics a new "Cloak & Dagger" series. The two fans of the series are planning to throw a party.
* Kevin Smith is writing a three part Batman mini series. The good news is that three scripts have already been turned in. Expect the third part to be done in ten years.
* DC is bringing back the Milestone characters and will be incorporating them in to the mainstream universe. Already announced is that Static will be joining the Teen Titans.
Posted by
7:07 AM
Labels: DC Comics, J. Micheal Straczynski, Kevin Smith, Marvel Comics, Neil Gaiman
The three regular readers of the site have noticed that there have not been any new updates for about two months. Let's just say that the summer has been a busy one. Starting today I hope to get more updates on the site giving you posts like, "News You Already Know", "Crazy Ass Rumors", and "You Tube Theater". I am also hoping to start getting up one book review a week. Finally for the first time "New Cee Diddy Holla" will be using Myspace to it's fullest and start requesting friends who to join the Cee Diddy Revolution. Instead of just seeking out comic book fans, all will be welcomed. Welcome to the next step in the New Cee Diddy Agenda.
Cee Diddy
Posted by
6:57 AM