News You Already Know: WW Chicago 08' Edition
* Marvel will be bringing us "Secret Warriors" from writers Brian Micheal Bendis and Johnathan Hickman. The book will feature Nick Fury's new team that is being introduced in "Secret Invasion"
* The very talented Billy Tan be the new penciller for "New Avengers". Billy's run will start at the end of "Secret Invasion" Lenil Yu is expected to return working on "Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk"
* 2009 will finally see Bendis and Alex Maleev's "Spider-Woman: Agent of SWORD"
* Dynamite Entertainment was acquired the rights to produce new "Judge Dredd" comics. Attached to help launch the new series will be Garth Ennis and John Wagner.
* Dan Abbnet and Andy Lanning have both signed exclusive contracts with Marvel Comics.
* Starting with issue #34 "Supergirl" will have the new creative team of Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle.
* Artist Luke Ross has also signed an exclusive contract with Marvel Comics. He will be working on "Captain America"