Sunday, May 3, 2009

Greatest Video Ever

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's Coming Up

All the march video blogs are now done and posted so it's time to take a moment and tease the video for April.

Cee Diddy Ponders...When I Grow Up
This month Cee Diddy talks about kids and their dreams of growing up to be super heroes. Should parents be concerned or encourage?

Cee Diddy & Kyle: SUPERSTARS Ep.2
The plan has been made and now it's time to put things in to motion. Witness as Diddy and Kyle take their first step in becoming SUPERSTARS.

Cee Diddy & Kyle: VS
The boys now have the ability to meet anyone from the world of comics. Who will be the first person that they square off with? Could be a hero from the DC universe? A Villain from the Marvel universe? Find out April 18th.

Cee Diddy Holla Presents: Talking Comics March 09

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

News You Already Know

Going to try to make an effort to bring back "News You Already Know" on a more weekly basis. With everything else going on it's tough to find time. So let's give it a shot.

* "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" is set to go berserker on May 1st. There's yet another trailer that you can see at Click HERE to check it out and have a box of tissues close.

* Warner Brothers is planning a live action "Green Lantern" and "Jonah Hex" film for 2010. As of now there's been no other major news. We have learned that both Emile Hirsch and Ryan Gosling have turned down the offer to suit up for the CORPS. Warner Brothers should keep in mind that I am still available.

* "HEROES" has received a fourth season from NBC. Although the ratings are down almost 30% it should be noted that it is still NBC's second highest rated show next to "The Office". The fourth season order was for 18 - 20 episodes. Some are suggesting that NBC will announce an end date for the show like "LOST" and "Battlestar Galactica" have done in the past.

* April 28th Disney will be releasing "X-Men: The Animated Series" on DVD. This is the series from the 90's that fans have been waiting for. Now we just need the Adam West Batman series.

* Transformers 2 also has a new teaser trailer. Much better than the first. Check it out HERE.

New York Comic Con 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cee Diddy Video Blog Season 2

Season One of Cee Diddy Video Blog was a real learning experience. You can notice a real difference as the episodes go by and lead in to the Comic Con Countdown. When I knew that season one was coming to an end I wanted to take a break and really do something cool to evolve the video blog to the next phase. So here's how the video blog is going work for Season Two. Each month will consist of four new episodes. When all four episodes are combined they will make one full episode of Cee Diddy Holla Video Blog. Here's a rundown of the four monthly episodes.

Once a month Cee Diddy takes a moment to ponder out loud and in front of a camera. Will he figure out the meaning of life or just discuss grown men who run around in spandex.

The award winning creative team of Cee Diddy and Kyle reunite after the events that took place at the New York Comic Con, to continue their quest for fame and fortune.

This is our hand that we are just not ready to show yet. Just make sure to be ready for March 21st...2009!

Once a month the "Cosmic Comic Commentators" sit down and review the books that came out during the month, talk about any news that hit the interwebs, and maybe even share a few crazy ass rumors.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New York Comic Con 2009

It's Valentine's Day and here at New Cee Diddy Holla we have two sweet gifts. Two new vids from the New York Comic Con 2009. Enjoy the vids and please don't forget to rate the vids. 5 stars would be great!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New York Comic Con 2009

We're starting things off with two videos. The first is the bonus countdown episode and the second is Richard Christy and Benjy Bronk being tossed from the Con on day one.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

New York Comic Con Countdown 2009

On behalf of myself and Kyle I would like to thank everyone who has taken a couple minutes out of their life to check out our videos the last 5 weeks. Every single view and comment is encouragement to keep on going. Please enjoy episode 5 as much as we did making it. Also keep an eye open for a bonus episode later this week.

Monday, January 26, 2009

News You Already Know

* Looks like Sony may be pulling the plus on a Green Hornet film for the second time. Since Stephen Chow has stepped down as Director the film has hit a brick wall. The was set to star Seth Rogan as the Hornet and Stephen Chow as Kato.

* Watchmen is now being released on March 6th 2009. Currently Warner Brothers has been posting viral videos as promotion.

* So Batman got zapped in Final Crisis #6 and appears to be dead. I have not comment on this much due to the release of Final Crisis #7 this week. More insight in to the "death" of Batman should be coming soon.

* Heath Ledger is on a roll with winning both a Golden Globe and a SAG award for his portray as Joker. Can he make it a hat trick with a win at the Academy Awards?

* DC Comics editor Bob Schreck was laid off last Thursday. It was also announced that MAD magazine will now be published on a quarterly basis. Rumors are still floating that Dan Didio would be the next to be laid off by DC Comics.

* The spoilers are starting to roll in on DC's Blackest Night. The first two Black Lanterns were revealed in the solicitations for the action figures. So who are the ring wearing zombies? Earth 2 Superman and Martian Manhunter.

* Marvel Studios is set to ruin a good thing by being cheap. First they don't offer Sam Jackson enough to come back as Nick Fury and now it's being said that Mickey Rourke isn't thrilled with the amount of money he's being offered to suit up as a bad guy in Iron Man 2. Sam Rockwell is almost 100% confirmed for the movie as Justin Hammer. Maybe this is why Rourke is going to be at Wrestlemania 25.

* Micheal Uslan is set to serve as an executive producer for the sequel to "Dark Knight". Uslan was quoted saying that 2011 would be the soonest we could see a sequel.

New York Comic Con Countdown 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

New York Comic Con Countdown 2008

The best part of this vid is watching me mouth lines that aren't mine.

Saturday, January 3, 2009