Wednesday, August 1, 2007

News You Already Know

Comic Con has come and gone and once again I didn't get to go. Next year will be a different story though. Now if you want GOOD coverage of this years Comic Con, then you should be going to As usual they were there and had GREAT coverage of the whole event. But if you only have the attention span of a small child on a sugar high, Cee Diddy Holla is the place to gets of your "News You Already Know", now in bite-size morales.

* Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi will taking over Astonishing X-Men. Expect the line-up to change from the current roster. Also this run will take place in regular continuity.

* Grant Morrison and J.G Jones will be bringing us DC's Final Crisis and I couldn't be happier.

* The Iron Man footage shown at the Con owned everyone's fan boy ass. Including mine. You can see the footage over at

* The creative teams have been announced for the cash cow that will be Amazing Spider-Man 3x a month. Dan Slott, Steve McNiven, Marc Guggenheim, Salvador Larrocca, Bob Gale, Phil Jimenez, Zeb Wells, and Chris Bachalo. That's a mothfull.

* Judd Winick and Ian Churchill will be brining us Titans East. The interesting thing about this is that Titan East were mentioned in the story arc that featured the Future Titans that made up a team of villains. It now seems that the Titan East referred to in that story wasn't the team that Deathstroke put together but perhaps this new one.

* The trailer for the new animated Spectacular Spider-Man was shown at the Con and I must say that it looked pretty good. Expect to see villains, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Sandman, Venom, The Vulture, and Electro. Also the mechanical web shooters return.

* Terry Moore and Humberto Ramos will be taking over Runaways, who cares?

* The Dark Knight teaser trailer hit the web too. For those who have seen, it is the definition of "teaser trailer". I liked it though.

Site Re-Imagining

So for most of the summer I've been on vacation from working on the site. So after a lot of thinking and I've decided to re-launch the site(again). So here's the breakdown of content you can expect from New Cee Diddy Holla.

* Cee Diddy Ponders - This is my new little cartoon that shows my inner deep thoughts.

* Rantings, Ramblings, & Cantankerous Writings - The bulk of the site will now be made up of posts that reveal my different opinions and views while forcing them down your throat in a witty nonthreatening way. I've got a lot to get off my chest and if just one person reads it while waiting for their porn to download, then I've done my job.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Site News

Soooo it seems I haven't made any posts on the site for a couple weeks and I just wanted to update the loyal readers on what is going on. Below are the Top Ten Reasons Why the site hasn't been updated....

10. Enjoying all the silly summer holidays.

9. The BIGS for the Nintendo Wii

8. Reading all the GREAT DC titles.

7. Doing yardwork...lots of yardwork.

6. Playing PC games.

5. Working on NEW "Cee Diddy Ponders..."

4. Work.

3. Watching Summer Television like Hell's Kitchen

2. Busy growing my hair out.

1. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition!!!

More posts coming soon.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Cee Diddy Meets....

You Tube Theater

When it comes to torture, Eli Roth doesn't have shit on Maury...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Cee Diddy Exclusive

Last week it was an exclusive interview with Steven Wacker, and this week I got to sit down with Bill Rosemann. Behold another exclusive one question in from Cee Diddy....

CeeDiddy4h: With the exception of the upcoming Ultimate Wolverine title, are there any characters you would like to see get their own series?

Rosemann: I could say Sasquatch… but Iron Man and the Hulk and Captain America and Silver Surfer all have movies in the works, so, CeeDiddy4h, I'll say them.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You Tube Theater

Site News

Just a small update on what's going here at "New Cee Diddy Holla". First we're sad to announce that "20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac" has ended for the foreseeable future. Shane has come down with a bad case of heroin and is currently recovering. "Cee Diddy Meets..." has three more installments until season one ends. Will Cee Diddy get to meet the real Spider-Man? "Down for the Count" which was originally a post by DC Harris will now become a feature by myself and Harris. More details on that to come. Also the response to "Cee Diddy Ponders..." has been great so expect that as a weekly series as "Cee Diddy Meets..." comes to an end for the season. Finally the Diddy-verse will be growing soon. I will be posting a new list of sites that will be added to the links list. As always we're open to suggestions for new post. If you have a pitch just hit me up anytime as


Cee Diddy Meets....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

News You Already Know

* So Manhunt 2 may never be coming out. It seems the game got an rating of AO(adults only) and both Nintendo and Sony have a policy that they don't release games rated AO. Some fans are crying foul but let's think about it for a moment. The screenshots were ugly and the game sounded like more hype than anything else. Also even if they did release the game with an AO rating, you wouldn't be able to get it in most stores. Even Gamestop and EB can't carry AO games.

* Sam Jackson filmed his part in the Iron Man movie last week. It's being reported that geeks will be creaming their pants as Sam Jackson will play Nick Fury in the upcoming Iron Man movie. This should be the first step towards The Avengers movie. No word yet if Fury will be appearing in The Incredible Hulk.

* DC Tanget Universe is looking to come back. It's already known that the Tangent Universe is one of the 52 Earths. Expect a new series to revolve around Kyle Rayner/Ion.

* Robert Kirkman and Phil Hester's Ant Man series will be cancelled as of issue 12. This doesn't mean the book is gone for good though. If the fans demand it, the title could get a second chance.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

Cee Diddy Exclusive

This week at Steven Wacker sat down to take questions from the masses. For those of you who don't know, Steven Wacker's previous job was editor of DC's 52. Mr.Wacker now works at Marvel and is the editor of Spider-Man and a few other titles. Although Mr.Wacker had some hard hitting questions answer, the most important question came from our very own Cee Diddy....

Q: CeeDiddy4h 06-19-2007 06:09 PM

I was doing the math and if you stick with your current job at Marvel you'll be in charge of 36 issues of Amazing Spider-Man, 12 issues of She-Hulk, 12 issues of Ms Marvel, 6 issues of Iron Man, 6 issues of Frontline, and I'm guessing 6 issues of Captain Marvel. That's 78 comics in one year. Aren't you glad you left DC and that tough weekly job?

A: Excellent point. You’re a bright man, CeeDiddy. Please send this to my superiors come review time.

To check out the rest of this interview where the fans got to ask the questions, please head over to

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

You Tube Theater

Only one video this week due to the length of the film. Check it out, it is hilarious.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Fantastic Four 2

In keeping with the theme of reviewing the big comic book movies this summer, I decided to sit down and share my thoughts on Fantastic Four 2. The first Fantastic Four film came out back in 2005 from director Tim Story (Barbershop, Taxi). For Marvel it was the next big comic book movie project, following Spider-Man and X-Men. The moviewas received with mixed reviews from both the critics and the fanboys. The important part was that the movie made enough money to make a sequel that would not be so slowed down with origin scenes. From the very start Tim Story was adamant on introducing the Silver Surfer if he got the chance to direct the sequel. Two years later during the summer of 2007, Tim Story got his wish with "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer".

The sequel reunites the original cast with Ioan Gufford (King Arthur) as Reed Richards, Jessica Alba (Sin City, Honey) as Sue Storm, Chris Evans (TMNT, Cellular) as Johnny Storm, Micheal Chiklis ("The Shield") as Ben Grimm, and Julian Mcmahon (Nip/Tuck, Premonition) as Victor Von Doom. Joining the cast as the Silver Surfer was the dynamic duo of Doug Jones (Hellboy) and Lawrence Fishburne (Pee-Wee's Playhouse). I continue to feel that the Fantastic Four themselves are cast really well. Chris Evans continues to steal scene as Johnny. Ioan Gufford will officially be known as Mister Fantastic to me. Just like Hugh Jackman will always be Wolverine. Not just because I think he does a good job but also because every movie that I have seen with Ioan Gufford either has the word "Fantastic" or "Four" in it. In the first film I really liked Julian Mcmahon as Dr.Doom but for some reason this time around I wasn't really feeling it. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that while he was all dressed up as Dr.Doom we all know and love, his voice was weak and annoying. They needed to do a Darth Vader deal with him and give him James Earl Jones voice. Going back to positive casting, Silver Surfer was perfect. Not enough people give Doug Jones the credit he is due for being Silver Surfer. The way the Surfer moved was poetic and perfect in every way. The voice casting of Lawrence Fishburne fit the character nicely. To think the voice was almost going to be Chris Tucker but he was busy with Rush Hour 3. That was a joke.

From seeing the commercials and hearing the buzz on the internet, we've got a clear understanding of the story. Reed and Sue are trying to get married, Silver Surfer shows up, and Galactus is on "it's" way. So let me jump right in to the things I liked about the film then follow it up with a few gripes. Like I said before I really do like the cast. I feel there's a real chemistry between the actors and when watching the movie I buy the idea of them being a family. Any scene that had the Silver Surfer was a delight to see. Watching him fight off the army and save the day at the end, get me excited about the upcoming Silver Surfer movie. Like the previous film the movie has some laughs in it as "Marvel's First Family", bickers and fights as they save the day. The Fantasticar was great to see and I'm glad that Dodge made it. So then there's Galactus. I have seen a lot of movies based on comic books. Some good, and some bad. Some stayed very true to the comic, while others only offered a few moments for the fanboys. Regardless of the movie, the directors and producers ALWAYS take liberties with the original material and change stuff. Let's think back to some of the other comic book movies for a moment shall we. Organic web shooters, Joker kills Batman's parents, Banner injected with Hulk, son of Superman, black Harvey Dent, nipples on bat suit, and Dark Phoenix. Major changes have been going on for a long time, some good, some not so good. Galactus going from a very large man wearing purple to a cosmic storm that kills planets, not a complete downgrade. Sure it would have been great to see a giant hand reaching out to Surfer at the end, but considering the budget (Fox is cheap) I thought Galactus was handled well.

Thinking back I was actually more disappointed with the evolution of Dr.Doom than the representation of Galactus in the film. In the first film I had no problem with Doom. He started off as the vain and egotistical Victor Von Doom, and by the end of the movie he was Dr.Doom. When the movie starts off we get Doom back in Latveria with his face looking like ground beef. This lasted a whole five minutes. For reasons never explained, Dr.Doom gets his face and body remade after his encounter with Silver Surfer. What the hell was that all about?! They needed to keep Doom looking and sounding like Doom, not Julian Mcmahon! We got more cheated on Doom then we did with Galactus. My guess is that Julian Mcmahon has many things in common with the character of Victor Von Doom, mainly vanity. Although I thought the Fantasticar and Silver Surfer were really cool, I wish I could save that about all the special effects. A couple scenes just didn't look right to me. For example Reed Richards busting a move was great in theory but looked like cheesy special effects.

Overall I enjoyed "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer". The story was not deep my any means or too dark that you wouldn't want your kids to see it. In that aspect it really stayed true to the comic it is based on. One thing that I think people forget is that the Fantastic Four comic book has always been a kid friendly book with a lot of laughs. They're known as Marvel's First Family for a reason. I hope Fox coughs up the dough for a third film as I feel the next move for this franchise would see Namor lead the attack of Alantis. Even the ending with Doom sinking in the ocean was a bit of a tease for the introduction of Prince Namor. The only big thing I would change in a third film would probably be the director. Tim Story is a Fantastic Four fan at heart and it's not that he's done a horrible job, but a director with more experience could take the franchise to a higher level and possibly be the first Marvel film to break the "Trilogy Curse".

The next and final geek review I have coming will be for Transformers. Until recently I have been on the fence about seeing this movie. I wasn't a huge Transformers fan growing up. Only recently did I watch the first animated movie. I guess the trailers did their job though cause I am now willing to pay out the cash to watch these robots in disgiuse blow things up the only way Micheal Bay knows how. Until then though.......


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Everyone's a Skrull!!!

The event in New Avengers #31 have got everyone talking. It was revealed that Elektra has actually been a skrull for the last year, if not longer. Some have speculated that the Skrulls may have been swapping out heroes and villains as far back to the Kree-Skrull War. Recently I was able to speak with good friend Shane-O-Mac about this thoughts on "Everyone's a Skrull!!!!"

shaneomac6075: everyone is a skrull
CeeDiddy4H: Everyone!!! thats the best part the skrulls dont even know that they're all skrulls
shaneomac6075: nope
shaneomac6075: cap is coming back
shaneomac6075: they're gonna say he was a skrull
shaneomac6075: even though it was a human body
CeeDiddy4H: he was so a skrull so was Aunt May
shaneomac6075: mary jane is a skrull
shaneomac6075: they've been having skrull sex
CeeDiddy4H: If you could have Skrull sex, whose cock would u use?
shaneomac6075: um..
shaneomac6075: like who's skrull cock would i take?
CeeDiddy4H: no dont be gay
shaneomac6075: i thought you were being gay
CeeDiddy4H: why would I be gay?
shaneomac6075: we both are
shaneomac6075: because we didn't go to philly con
CeeDiddy4H: all im talking about is replacing ur dick with a skrull dick that could easily be manipulated in to another's cock
shaneomac6075: i guess mr fantastic because it can be any size
CeeDiddy4H: that's the easy answer though, you can already make it any size because you're a skrull and you can choose to use anyones cock
shaneomac6075: jesus
shaneomac6075: i guess tony stark then
shaneomac6075: he gets all those models
shaneomac6075: and he'll have money
shaneomac6075: but it might be small
CeeDiddy4H: that's why he has all that loot
CeeDiddy4H: also think about the idea that the suit is to make up for the small dick
shaneomac6075: it is
frank castle then
shaneomac6075: so i can punish every girl
CeeDiddy4H: that works, but Frank might a small guy too, he does carry BIG guns
shaneomac6075: peter parker
shaneomac6075: look at the girl he's got
CeeDiddy4H: Puny Parker??
shaneomac6075: oh god you're right
CeeDiddy4H: he got that name for a reason
shaneomac6075: aw no
shaneomac6075: well who would you be
CeeDiddy4H: Dude im cool with my size, just because you're not happy and need to replace it with a skrull dick, doesn't mean I have to.
CeeDiddy4H: Sicko
shaneomac6075: i thought we had to choose!
CeeDiddy4H: There was no rules, I sed skrull cock and you jumped at the chance
shaneomac6075: i can't handle this
CeeDiddy4H: Let's just change the subject
shaneomac6075: what girl would you have skrull sex with?
shaneomac6075: that skrull elektra didn't look that bad
CeeDiddy4H: Is she the skrull during the sex?
shaneomac6075: well you know it's them on the inside
CeeDiddy4H: Then I'd choose Sue Storm, so she could disappear when I"m done.
shaneomac6075: you got that right

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cee Diddy Meets....

You Tube Theater

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer comes out this week. I encourage everyone to check it out. I'm expecting another fun romp with the Fantastic Four. Now a lot of critics and fanboys have been complaining about the FF movies but one thing I always keep in mind is that the comic books have always been a titles for all ages. This week "You Tube Theater" is dedicated to the Fantastic Four. So if you know you're not going to see the new movie, then you should watch these vids instead.

Ok there's been a change of plans. I really did want to post three FF vids but then I cam across these vids that revealed the plans for X-Men 4. This is some major news, so please check it out.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Crazy Ass Rumors

DC has had continuity issues for some time now and one way DC hopes to fix it is with Countdown. We've already seen as they weave in the big events to give us an idea of how it fits in with the DC timeline. This week we've got the best Crazy Ass Rumors that pertain to DC's Countdown.

* Barry Allen returns as The Flash, while Bart goes back to being Kid Flash.

* Jason Todd wasn't suppose to die, but at the same time Jason Todd wasn't suppose to become the Red Hood either. Jason will be replaced with a different Jason Todd that has grown up to become Red Robin.

* At the end of the first Crisis, Superman saved Lois, Alexander Luthor, and Super-Boy Prime. Countdown will reveal that he also saved Jimmy Olsen and that's the Olsen we've had on New Earth of the longest time.

* Jean Lorring is rescued by Darkside and unleashed on New Earth.

* Expect the reveal that some of the current One Year Later stories in the DC universe to actually taken place on different Earths. The front runner is the All-New Atom.

* Countdown is counting down to DC's Final Crisis. First DC got ride of the multiverse. Then we saw as a Luthor brought it back. At the end of Final Crisis, DC will start to launch multiple titles that take place on the various Earths.

* Countdown has great teasers ads featured in their books. Expect a Super-Boy Prime teaser in the next couple months.

You Tube Theater

We've got a special You Tube Theater for you today. There's a bunch of guys who have been working on a 100 scene GI Joe Epic Movie. Currently they've released the first 17 parts. I've watched some of it and it's pretty funny. What we're going to do it we're going to post the first 9 parts. If you guys like, we'll post the new episodes as they debut.

Site News

So there haven't been any updates lately as I've been preparing for my vacation to Cali. I'm going to try to get some updates up between now and Monday. After that expect nothing for about a week.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

News You Already Know

* Director Zack Snyder (300) has approached three more actors for his movie adaptation of "The Watchmen". Ain't it Cool News is reporting that Keanu Reeves has been offered the role of Dr.Manhatten. Patrick Wilson has been given the chance to suit up as Nite Owl. Finally it's been reported that Jude Law was offered the role of Ozymandias. I think Keanu is a long shot at actually signing on for the film but stranger things have happened. Still no confirmation on Gerald Butler as The Comedian.

* Marvel Comics has announced that their newly resurrected Blade ongoing series will be canceled with issue 12.

* Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk til Dawn) has signed on to direct a remake of the cult classic Barbarella. Now we sit and wait for see who gets the role, Rosario Dawson or Rose McGowan.

* A teaser trailer for The Dark Knight is tentatively scheduled for a December.

* Activision announced 7 new songs that will be featured in the 80's version of Guitar Hero.

  • 18 and Life (as made famous by Skid Row)
  • Bathroom Wall (as made famous by Faster Pussycat)
  • Lonely is the Night (as made famous by Billy Squier)
  • Nothing But a Good Time (as made famous by Poison)
  • Play With Me (as made famous by Extreme)
  • Shaken (as made famous by Eddie Money)
  • Synchronicity II (as made famous by Police)
  • *

  • Monday, May 21, 2007

    Site News

    We've added a new feature to Cee Diddy Holla. If you look over to the handsome picture of myself you'll now notice our brand new Diddy News Reel. Powered by Google, the news reel gives you the most up to date news to hit the internet on select topics. All you have to do is click on a topic and check out the newest headlines.


    Down for the Count with DC Harris

    Here it is, the debut of our new weekly column "Down for the Count with DC Harris." Every week our DC Expert will analyze the events in DC's new weekly series "Countdown". Out of respect for Mr.Harris, my comments will be posted in the response area.

    Down for the Count with DC Harris

    Here, in absolutely no timely fashion, is installment number one of my close look at DC's Countdown. My apologies to Cee Diddy for not having one ready immediately following the release of issue 51, sadly, finals come before even comic books for me. That aside, "so begins the end."

    How do you follow up something as fantastic as 52? Many of us were wondering how we would go on without something consistently good every single week. Well, how about some Paul Dini? Fine by me.

    For those poor souls who did not read 52, you probably need the massive spoiler that THE MULTIVERSE IS BACK. Sorry. But I'm really not going to wait for you to read all 52 issues. Not my fault you made the poor life choice of missing out on a book written by Geoff Johns (Infinite Crisis), Mark Waid (Kingdom Come), Grant Morrison (All Star Superman), and Greg Rucka (OMAC Project). I mean, seriously folks.

    Joker's Daughter is, without a doubt, among the most confusing characters in DC continuity. No clear motivation, has flip-flopped from villain to hero more than Kane has from face to heel, and the misleading name of "Joker's Daughter," when she is not that at all. Enter: Jason Todd, an equally confusing character. At one time, DC eliminated the multiverse to make things less confusing. Now, it's come back, seemingly to AGAIN try to make things less confusing.

    Aside from this main story, we get a glimpse at Mary Marvel, who apparently has been abandoned by the rest of the Marvel family. Perhaps for one of those, "this is for your own good" things, Billy has either taken away her powers, or changed her magic word (much as he did with Black Adam). An intriguing turn of events, indeed. And then, everyone's favorite group of villains, Flash's Rogues. I, personally, thought this little exchange that seemed pretty personal was really funny, but also extremely realistic of how these guys should be acting.

    More importantly, however, a Monitor murders the Joker's Daughter very Sarah Conner-like ala Terminator 2, claiming that her death is for the good of the multiverse. To me, hearing that a death was promised in this issue concerned me, because I hate seeing great characters killed off for no reason. Here, we had a recognizable (but not necessarily useful) character killed off for a VERY good reason that actually seems like it sets the tone for this series. The explanation that Joker's Daughter is from another universe makes her seem to fit a lot better into the continuity, and Jason Todd almost dying shows what editorial has in store for him. HOPEFULLY his resurrection will get some more analysis, as Geoff Johns said that he had originally wanted the explanation to not be "punching a wall," but this exact scenario, of him being from another universe.

    And let's go for a big tease of an ending, eh? What does the multiverse need to survive? Why, the biggest (pun intended) super-hero who has been missing for the last few years, of course, the Atom. I. Love. It.

    Dini threw a lot in our faces in the first issue, priming a lot now. Naturally, the first issue has to set the stage. We know Darkseid plays a huge role from his opening, Jason Todd may very well get the royal treatment, Mary Marvel is clearly going on a magical journey, some villains will have some antics, and Ray Palmer is going to kick some ass. By the end of issue 51, I believe my exact feelings are, "I am a happy panda."

    Anything with the Joker on the cover looks good to me. Now, Jimmy Olsen is not a character that many people demand to see a lot of. But, a true testament to the versatility of Jimmy is that he had a solo series longer than probably any of the other main characters in this book. And in the hands people people like Dini, Palmiotti, and Gray, I thought he really was well-established in this issue for what he always is: that nosey reporter who always gets into trouble. And using Superman's telescopic x-ray vision from space to get a story? I thought that was pretty amusing.

    Jason Todd and Jimmy Olsen, some real nice work there. The line, "there's a guy in Arkham Asylum who wrote the book on crazy," was just the kind of sass a dead Robin should have. We got some more Mary Marvel foreshadowing (stay out of Gotham, eh? SOO looks like Mary's going to Gotham), and our first official cross-over from the book. If you aren't reading Justice League (DO ITTTT), you didn't pick up on it, but that scene is lifted directly out of it. So, no surprises there, but this Legion tie-in is very interesting to me.

    Rogues clashing has a lot to do with what Marc Guggenheim is doing over in Flash, thankfully rescuing that title from the clutches of some tv bozos. "You both flip-flop more than a Massachusetts senator" had me laughing out loud on the train. And the Joker/Jimmy scene, very Silence of the Lambs, shows just how awesome Dini has Joker's craziness down after years of work with him. But does Joker have some clue as to what's going on here? Whoo boy.

    Good. Times. Two very solid issues of introducing characters and just how this thing is going to go. I don't know if they topped the first 2 issues of 52, but they brought a smile to my face, and I know I'm going to be hooked.

    ~DC Harris

    Thursday, May 17, 2007

    Cee Diddy Meets....

    You Tube Theater

    This week's "You Tube Theater" is dedicated to one of greatest shows to not be released on DVD. All I have to say is....MTV's The State.

    Crazy Ass Rumors

    * A teaser trailer for "The Dark Knight" will be featured before the new Harry Potter film this summer. Details have leaked the trailer features playing cards falling from the sky and some dialog from The Joker. The trailer does not actually feature any footage from the movie.

    * Thomas Jane has dropped out of being in Punisher 2. Just as this new broke rumors have started to speculate on the new director of the Frank-less Punisher flick. Two names are making the rumor circuit are John Dahl (Great Raid, Rounders) and Lexi Alexander (Hooligans).

    * Barry Allen will be back as The Flash before the end of the year.

    * During World War Hulk expect to see Bruce Banner to be separated from the Hulk...again.

    * Teen Titans is getting a new writer and new team line-up. Missing from the new team will be Raven, Cyborg, and Beat Boy. While nothing has surfaced yet about Raven and Beast Boy, expect to see Cyborg end up on The Outsiders.

    Site News

    First let me say that the site should be experiencing more updates on a more regular basis soon. Also the site will be seeing a few new features coming soon. A new article from Cory will debut soon giving our readers reviews of new cds that are hitting the stores and illegal download sites. We're also going to be debuting an article from Sean "DC" Harris that will breakdown DC's weekly wonder that is "Countdown". Also it should be mentioned that now anyone can post a comment. You don't have to register, but for those who did I appreciate it. Just remember if you do post and you're not registered, that you should put your name on there so we know who is talking trash (Evan I'm looking at you.)


    20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac

    1. Punisher isn't Captain America.

    2. Booster Gold getting his new series will be filled with endorsements.

    3. LOST finally has a scheduled ending. So did the Big Dig.

    4. Tony Stark turned into a hot naked woman...let's see where this goes.

    5. Billion dollar Maguire still lives up to his name.

    6. I'm about to shatter some glass.

    7. Latin music does not make sense and scares me...sorry Teresa.

    8. 52...good ending.

    9. Bruce Campbell does not promote Campbell's soup.

    10. FF2 right now just seems like a 2 hour chase scene.

    11. Damn you Kuberts for putting out action figures that look like your delayed art.

    12. Countdown is counting down to what your bank statement is going to look like at the end.

    13. Does anyone even care about the Hulk?

    14. Cory is the new Captain America.

    15. Brown can do shit for you. Take that how you want.

    16. Mary Marvel is gonna be a little slut.

    17. Paul Dini's file photo is from about 20 years ago.

    18. Ted Hayes is starting his own cookbook called "Ted Hayes' Highway".

    19. All Star Batman #5 wasn't gonna come out this month but Jim Lee's mom yelled at him in every Asian language until he finished it.

    20. An apple tini is manly.

    Wednesday, May 9, 2007

    You Tube Theater

    This week I'm bringing posting three videos that I"m sure everyone has seen but if you have not, please check them out and enjoy.

    Cee Diddy Meets....

    Spider-Man 3

    So Spider-Man came out last week and as predicted it crushed all records for opening weekends. I'm happy to say that I helped get those records crushed by going on Midnight with about 9 other people. The movie has been billed as the final installment of a Sam Rami Spider-Man Trilogy, and if true I feel it was a fitting end to the story arc. A lot of the critics have been a bit harsh on the movie, stating that they liked it, but that it wasn't the same quality of the two others. I figure I might as well throw in my two cents on the subject.

    I thought Spider-Man 3 was a really fun, and entertaining movie. It's too early for me to say if it was better than the other two cause I would have to see the third one a few more times. Let's start off with the villains this time around. In the first two films Rami brought to life the classic Green Goblin and Doc. Ock. In Spider-Man 3 the Evil Dead director brought the classic Sandman to life and cult favorite Venom. Also coming after Spidey was Harry Osborn as the New Goblin. When preparing to write this I thought long and hard about what Harry's villain name was. He was never called Green Goblin or Hobgoblin, so I went with the name on his toy. I know a lot of people were expecting Harry to be known as the Hobgoblin but I like the idea of saving the name for another day.

    In the other two films each villain is giving a lot of screen time so that the viewer can see that there is a real person behind the goofy gimmick. That was one thing that the film lacked. We got to see a little bit of Flint Marko and the reasons behind his life of crime, but more in sight would've been good. It wouldn't surprise me if a few scenes got left on the cutting room floor. Although we didn't get to see more scene of Flint Marko, we did get to see a good amount of Sandman. From the first scene titled "Birth of Sandman" to the subway battle, and the big finale, the special effects that brought the Sandman to life were amazing.

    Venom has always been a fan favorite. Ever since his first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man #300 the fans have been clamoring to see Venom on the silver screen. Introducing Venom in Spider-Man 3 was NOT apart of Sam Rami's original plan. Mr.Rami has gone on record saying that Venom was not in the first couple drafts of the script. Venom was not added to the film until Avi Arad requested that Venom be added. Right off the bat that explains why we only see Venom in the third act of the movie. While I know some fans were upset with the little screen time Venom got, I for one was pleased with the amount of Venom. First off if there was more Venom then the movie would've been about an hour longer. I thought Topher Grace was a perfect Eddie Brock. The shots where Venom's mask was gone and you just saw Eddie's face were perfect. The only thing that was missing with Venom was a larger white spider design on his chest and Venom speaking in plurals. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for a , "We are Venom". There's a lot more they could've done with the Venom character but what they did worked for me.

    The movie has a lot packed in to it. So much that I'm finding it hard to figure out what parts to talk about. I guess I just want to point out the positives that I liked and then some of the things I didn't like. Bryce Howard as Gwen Stacey was amazing. I want an entire movie about Gwen Stacey. She was just super hot and should have been in the movies since day one. The action in the movie was insane and Spider-Man acrobatics bested anything seen in the first two. It was also nice to hear Spider-Man being a bit more of a wise ass in this movie. That was one thing that the first two missed the mark on. Spider-Man is suppose to being cracking wise while fighting baddies like Green Goblin and Doc Ock. Bruce Campbell once again delivers as he defeats Peter Parker a second time. I just wish that they would reveal that he's playing the same guy who can't keep a job. Peter Parker becoming a jerk was great. I loved the music montage and laughed my ass off. I thought that scene complimented the "Geek Montage" really well from the second movie. The ending of the movie was great in my opinion. Sandman giving up his will to live and being blown away was great. Eddie Brock killing himself because he couldn't live without the power of Venom was perfect. Harry dying in the Goblin outfit, to save MJ was great. They all met their demise in a great way that surprisingly enough leaves doors open for returns for Venom and Sandman. The ending with Peter and MJ was great too. I loved the fact that it was a super happy ending. Yes, we saw Peter and MJ together in the final scene but what was that hug really saying. Was Peter just consoling MJ after the funeral? Was this a sign that Peter and MJ were going to become friends again? Was this a final hug between the two because Peter knows being Spider-Man has to come first? That final hug left a lot of questions open.

    So the movie wasn't perfect and lacked a few things. I already mentioned that the villains need a little more screen time to develop. Also I wanted more Eddie Brock, J. Jonah Jameson, and Gwen Stacey. J.J. Jameson stole the movie in the second film, and I was hoping to see more of that in this one. Maybe we'll get a spin off that revolves around Jameson trying to save the Bugle from being closed down due to the internet stealing all his readers. I guess I really liked the movie cause that's all I can really complain about. I think if Venom was left out of the movie and Sandman got more time it would've been better. But if they had done a movie with the black suit and NOT shown Venom people would have rioted. Fan boys everywhere would have emerged from their Mom's cellars and attacked Sony studios with their web shooters.

    So the summer movie season really started with a bang. I can almost guarantee I won't be seeing Transformer or Pirates 3, but will probably have guest reviewers post reviews for each film. The next big one I'm waiting for is Fantstic Four 2. If you haven't rushed out to see Spider-Man 3 yet (Corey I'm looking at you), then do yourself a favor and get to a theater. I'd love to know what everyone else thought of the movie so please post.


    Tuesday, May 1, 2007

    For My Viewing Pleasure???

    This week I checked out a little flick entitled "Smokin Aces". The main reason I wanted to see this movie was largely due to the very cool and fast trailer. At my job that damn trailer plays almost every hour on the hour and after seeing it like ten times a day, even I want to do go out and kill Buddy "Aces" Israel. I was gonna load up the PT Cruiser with the other horsemen, get some guns, blare some shitty rap/rock, and kill Jeremy Piven. So I was really excited to see this movie.

    When the movie started I was nervous that it was moving a little slow. I figured it was just starting slow because of all the badass action that would be coming in the second and third act. Sooooo I waited and watched. I watched as Ben Affleck did yet another crappy accent. I watched as Jeremy Piven continued to play Ari Gold, but was now named Buddy Israel. I even watched scene after scene that I had already seen in the various trailers. Basically I watched the whole movie waiting for the shit to hit the fan and deliver on some crazy action and it never happened. Actually there was some action, but it was all in the trailer.

    So the action wasn't that great, and I know what you're thinking, "But Diddy what about the story and the crazy twists?" The movie had two big twist. Number one, we find out that the crime boss was actually an FBI agent. This twist was very obvious from the first mention that the boss had so much plastic surgery. The second twist was that Buddy Israel was actually the son of the Mob boss, and that he wanted his heart for a transplant. While I didn't see the twist coming, I did feel that it wasn't very needed. The ending was stupid too. Ryan Reynolds gets all sad while the music from Saw plays and he kills both of them because Alanis Morrisset is divorcing his Van Wilder ass.

    Perhaps if this movie didn't have a trailer, I would've liked it more. I should mention that my favorite parts of the movie would be any part with that little kid dressed as the Karate Kid. Now that kid has talents and acted circles around Ben Affleck. Affleck you were the bomb in Phantoms, but not so much in Smokin Aces.


    Disclaimer: This review has some minor SPOILERS. Do not go back and read this article again if you don't want key plot points explained to you by a movie critic with poor grammer.

    Thursday, April 19, 2007

    Cee Diddy Meets...

    20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac

    This week Shane-O brings you 20 thoughts with a theme. I present to you, 20 Thoughts on things that shouldn't matter (but everyone makes a big deal out of.)

    1. HD and Blu-Ray DVD's.
    2. Sanjaya
    3. The Kuberts.
    4. World War Hulk
    5. Marvel Zombies
    6. Avi Arad
    7. My Chemical Romance
    8. Nor 'Easters
    9. Captain America dead. Sad, but we all know he'll be back eventually.
    10. anything on FOX
    11. Vitamin Water
    12. Playstation 3
    13. That girl who has 2 personalities in Heroes
    14. Nicolas Cage
    15. Xbox Live charging you for downloadable content
    16. Joss Whedon
    17. Lego versions of everything.
    18. Kevin Smith's fashionably late style.
    19. The Michael Turner variants being jacked up as soon as they hit shelf.
    20. Me

    You Tube Theater

    This week's You Tube Theater is dedicated to Tim & Eric from Adult Swim's "Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job" and "Tom Goes to the Mayor." If you haven't discovered them yet, take the time to do so.

    Site Update

    Hey Everyone,

    Due to being shorthanded at work and having a cold, Cee Diddy Holla hasn't seen any updates lately. That will change later today with posts like: "20 Thoughts", "Cee Diddy Meets...", "You Tube Theater", and "News You Already Know." I'm also happy to announce that starting soon we'll have a new weekly post from DC Harris. The post will be a weekly review of DC's new series "Countdown". So check back later for new content.


    Tuesday, April 10, 2007

    20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac

    You know the drill. These are Shane's thoughts and Shane's thoughts alone. So very alone.

    1. Joe Quesada can and will always be know as Joe Quesadilla, the tasty mexican Editor In Chief

    2. The new Ulitmate Alliance pack for Xbox 360 just makes Marvel games that much more awesome now that you can download new characters and really get your money's worth...oh wait, you have to spend more money to get the new characters.

    3. Dragon Ball Z is still confused with the epic porn Dragon Balls starring Jackie Chan and Halle Barry.

    4. Captain America is dead and will eventually return somehow, but not anytime soon. It'd be a suprise if he did stay dead.

    5. Comics should go back to the old days where Batman touched Robin and the Joker foiled countless boners on a daily basis.

    6. The multiverse is still here. Superboy Prime will be back full balls.

    7. All Star Superman...still incredible

    8. God damn you Kuberts!

    9. Monday's 24 was originally supposed to be the season finale episode but FOX said let's just carry out 8 more episodes of Jack Bauer screaming DAMNIT at everyone he sees.

    10. American Idol and Sanjaya. Who really gives a shit.

    11. I know I'm gonna buy the LOST plane crash box set and re-enact the twin tower event over and over again at New York airports.

    12. The new Ronin is Steve Rogers...what a twist!

    13. I found a dollar today.

    14. When the Spiderman 3 dvd is released there will be a deleted scene with Doc Brown picking up Harry Osborn giving him the hover board.

    15. April 30-may 6th is spiderman week here in NYC and I'm finally going to find out where Tobey's billion dollars is.

    16. Apparently I have to quit for Spiderman week. Derek has already called my boss and explained the circumstances.

    17. Brown

    18. I saw a man that wore dress pants and shoes with no socks...very disturbing

    19. JLA and JSA cross over. Can't get any better.


    Crazy Ass Rumors

    * Guitar Hero 3 is scheduled to ship on Halloween this year. This is rumored to be the first of many theme games, the first theme being 80's rock.

    * An Iron Man teaser trailer will be ready for the release of Fantastic Four 2.

    * Venom will be the first fatality in New Thunderbolts. This will be the first step in getting the suit back on Eddie Brock. Look for this to happen in June.

    * The next season of Smallville is being prepped as it's final season. The big rumor is that the producers want Bruce Wayne to play a major part in the final season. This would also serve as another great way to promote the next Batman movie.

    You Tube Theater

    This week You Tube Theater is all about American Idol. Actually it's about the people who watch American Idol. Actually it's about people who watch American Idol, that dislike Sanjaya Malakar. Wait that's not quite right either. What this You Tube Theater is really about is this bitch who went on a hunger strike because Sanjaya was still on the show. So let's start things off by showing everyone exactly who Sanjaya is.

    So because this Sanjaya isn't what some people consider to be America's Idol, one girl decided to go on a hunger strike.

    So then right about when I was ready to give this porker a few props for doing something crazy, she ends up posting this video on You Tube, 16 days later.

    First off, what a wimp for only lasting 16 days. Second, you my friend are a fake!! You only went on a hunger strike for attention and not because you thought Sanjaya was a bad singer. If you were really dedicated you would've have toughed it out and not given up 16 days with a fucking ad running in the background. You make me sick.


    Friday, April 6, 2007

    Wednesday, April 4, 2007

    Adventures on Yahoo

    Years ago chat rooms were a lot of fun. You could go in, meet some cool people and actually end up making some new friends. Now I guess they all use MySpace to meet people, but I can't go that route. So I've been trolling around Yahoo chat rooms and quickly found that it's mostly bots. So here's the setup. I go in to a room and then quickly I start to get IMs. Here's how it went down...

    sxynsultryb_a_b_e: Hi there! What's happening? And your a/s/l?ceediddy4h: 28/m/Mass, u?
    sxynsultryb_a_b_e: It's great to meet you! My name is Eva, 18 F/Dallas. Do you wanna talk about sex with me?
    ceediddy4h: What part of sex do you want to talk about?sxynsultryb_a_b_e: I would like to know more about you, anything exciting in your lifes these days?
    ceediddy4h: well I enjoy robbing banks while wearing a Spider-Man mask.
    sxynsultryb_a_b_e: okay, Here's a pic of me: Tell me more about you, what do u do for a living?

    ceediddy4h: Hey, whats your story?
    hunny_elenor_307: hi there!
    ceediddy4h: Hi!
    hunny_elenor_307: well hello there
    ceediddy4h: So whats your story?
    hunny_elenor_307: Hmm, well I'm 19 I go to school in Southern California, I love to chat and play on my web cam
    ceediddy4h: So are you a bot or a real person?
    hunny_elenor_307: no
    ceediddy4h: you're neither?
    hunny_elenor_307: Thanks I like you, your so nice
    ceediddy4h: Are you Pro-Choice?
    hunny_elenor_307: Yes, I believe everyone should have their own personal choice of issues.
    ceediddy4h: I'll be dammed
    hunny_elenor_307: Congratulations.
    ceediddy4h: What did I win?
    hunny_elenor_307: You said "undefined" .
    ceediddy4h: no I sed dammed
    hunny_elenor_307: Ayuh. That's good information.
    ceediddy4h: Only the best
    hunny_elenor_307: Thanks for the info.
    ceediddy4h: No, thank you
    hunny_elenor_307: Ah.

    sweetnnprettybabe181: Hello there! How's it going? ...ASL please?ceediddy4h: 28/m u?
    sweetnnprettybabe181: Happy to meet U! I am Michelle 18/girl/New York. You do have a dirty mind, DON'T YOU??
    ceediddy4h: Well I was brainwashed recently
    sweetnnprettybabe181: Here is a link to my pic: How would you describe yourself?ceediddy4h: Borderline retarded, but in a sexy way
    sweetnnprettybabe181: I am getting blank messages from you must be some kind of a chat problem
    ceediddy4h: I hope not, I think we're soul mates
    sweetnnprettybabe181: I love oralsex - do u prefer to GET or GIVE head? & would u rather have my pussy shaved or with hair?
    ceediddy4h: well I do love getting head, like a nice big head of lettuce
    sweetnnprettybabe181: I think ur sexy & u turn me on - chatting w/u gets my pussy wet and nipples hard
    ceediddy4h: wow, do you have a food fetish?
    sweetnnprettybabe181: =>Are you kinky like me?....Tell me about it, I would love to hear?
    ceediddy4h: well I don't know if it's kinky but I love a woman dressed as Super Mario
    sweetnnprettybabe181: I really luv chatting with u, but my computer really has to b restarted so I want to meet u back in the member's area of the site I gave u before?
    ceediddy4h: nice, that's a good one.

    Tuesday, April 3, 2007

    20 Thoughts From Shane-O-Mac

    As usual we just want everyone to know that the thoughts of Shane-O-Mac in no way reflect the thoughts of everyone else at Cee Diddy Holla. He's pretty much insane.

    1 - Dick Grayson now feels he is the new Ben Affleck by trying to get Batwoman to convert back to the dick.

    2 - Cory is kind of like the Punisher

    3 - Wonder Woman is finally written by a woman

    4 - We all know that Mark Bagley draws 15 year old Mary Jane and Kitty Pride having a lesbian free for all.

    5 - TMNT was still just as awesome as it always was.

    6 - Nicholas Cage wanted to be Ghost Rider so bad he...ok let me try this again. Nicholas Cage wanted to be Ghost Rider sooooo bad fuck it, HE JUST SUCKS!!!

    7 - World War Hulk will later be known as World War Waste of Time

    8 - In the World War 3 picture for some reason Jason Todd likes to go into the batcave and stare into the glass naked with his clothes in hand.

    9 - In the upcoming event, DC Countdown we'll find out that there is another form of kryptonite which is shaped as a vagina that makes Superman cry all the time.

    10 - Steve McNiven is just a nice guy.

    11 - The Adam Kubert Superman figures are supposed to come out this year. And by this year he meant 2008, and by 2008 he meant never and by never he meant forget I ever existed.

    12 - Heath Ledger is playing the Joker in the next Batman movie but he's not a comic book movie fan. He says movies like that are boring. Right Heath, and movies about cowboys taking it up the ass are just non-stop adrenaline rushes. Fuck You!

    13 - With Bagley doing a fill in arc for Mighty Avengers, the Bendis Bagley team will never end. Just like the team of gay's and aids.

    14 - Topher Grace wasn't originally supposed to play Venom, he was going to play Spider-Man. But then Tobey Macguire settled for a billion dollars instead of the two billion he wanted.

    15 - Stone Cold Steve Austin watched Vince McMahon get his head shaved, gave Donald Trump the stunner and has a movie coming out where he uses giant guns for the hell of it. Who says you can't kick ass and chew bubble gum at the same time?

    16 - Guitar Hero 2 comes out for the Xbox 360 this week. Nothing like faking your way to stardom with better graphics.

    17 - President Bush was appalled by 300 because he said that Frank Miller blew his idea for a retaliation against the Middle East.

    18 - Damon Lindeloff told everyone that if he actually completed Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk then it would be the end of LOST and the world as we all know it. I think he just doesn't have an ending to that story either.

    19 - A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

    20 - Grinder by Judas Priest is going to be played through out the whole movie of Grind House.


    You Tube Theater

    For those who don't know MC Chris is a dope ass underground rapper that makes music about Star Wars, video games, smoking up, and anything geek related. His CD "Eating's Not Cheating" is a classic and should be checked out by everyone. This week's You Tube Theater is dedicated to MC Chris. You've also heard his vocal talents on cartoons like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sea Lab 2021. Check out the videos below and take the time to check out his website by clicking HERE.

    My Boyfriend Made Me Read....

    Mighty Avengers #1
    Writer: Brian Micheal Bendis
    Artist: Frank Cho

    I am semi new to reading comic books, so ignoring the fact i had to reread all the pages....the book was still "eh." But maybe it was due to the fact that I had trouble following the then and now setups.

    As for the story itself it was also "eh." the whole book was a set up to seek the "perfect" team of Avengers. Most of the time they named a bunch of characters I don't know.

    When it comes to the art, the way Frank Cho drew the Wasp's ass was nice. Um. So yea. OH! and the ending confused the hell out of me. Right, so Iron Man goes in after the Mole Man and then emerges a FEMALE super hero...naked....uh huh... what happened to Iron Man?

    The next book that my boyfriend is making me read is DC's Brave & the Bold #2, featuring Green Lantern and Supergirl.


    Thursday, March 29, 2007

    Crazy Ass Rumors

    We can't guarantee that these rumors are true, but what we can promise is that for the most part they are "crazy ass". So please enjoy some crazy ass rumors.

    * Gerard Butler will be playing the Comedian in the upcoming Zack Snyder helmed, The Watchmen.

    * Eidos has announced that they will no longer be making games for the PS3 until their sales get better. Eidos is the company behind Tomb Raider and Hitman. This has sparked the rumor that the most recent Tomb Raider and Hitman are getting Wii makeovers just in time for the holiday.

    * Who is the new Ronnin? The official answer is coming soon in the pages of New Avengers, but the crazy ass candidates range from Jessica Jones, Winter Solider, Hank Pym, Sharon Carter, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Baron Zemo, and Shang Chi. We have no clue who it is, but it should be good.

    * Sarah Michelle Gellar is rumored to have a role in the next Batman film. Some are saying she might be playing the Joker's wife. Let me make that clear though, NOT HARLEY. Before Joker goes all Joker he did have a wife.

    * So everyone is talking about the teaser image that DC put out a few months back. You know the one with Superman crying (AGAIN). Some are curious as to who Red Robin is under the mask. Very simple, it's Dick Grayson from the Kingdom Come universe. The multiple Earths are coming back, deal with it.

    Tuesday, March 27, 2007

    Cee Diddy Meets....

    I am very proud to introduce issue #1 of "Cee Diddy Meets..." Each week a new chapter will be posted as Cee Diddy meets different characters from the world of comics.

    News You Already Know

    Every week we bring you the news you already read some where else. So enjoy and if we actually posted something you didn't read, then GO US!

    * Hugo Weaving will be doing the voice of Megatron in the upcoming Micheal Bay masterpiece, "Transformers".

    * A few different sites are reporting that Matthew Modine will be playing Dr.Banner in the upcoming Hulk 2.

    * 2008 will bring us the video game we've been waiting for, Lego Batman. The game is being done by the same studio that made the very cool Lego Star Wars game. I hope this trend continues and we get to see a Lego Justice League game.

    * Angelina Jolie has joined the cast for "Wanted". The movie is going to be based on the Mark Millar classic. I don't have a great feeling about this one and that's a real shame cause the book is amazing.

    * So the good news is that Paul W.S. Anderson is no longer working on the movie version of Castlevania. The bad news is he's going to be working on the remake of Death Race.

    * Emile Hirsh is going to get the chance to play Speed Racer in the upcoming "Speed Racer" movie. For those who don't know the name, Emile was the lead actor in "Girl Next Store".

    * Namco will be bringing Katamari Damacy to all the next generation systems this fall. The ps3 and XBox 360 should be coming out in October with a Wii version coming out in November.