Wednesday, August 1, 2007

News You Already Know

Comic Con has come and gone and once again I didn't get to go. Next year will be a different story though. Now if you want GOOD coverage of this years Comic Con, then you should be going to As usual they were there and had GREAT coverage of the whole event. But if you only have the attention span of a small child on a sugar high, Cee Diddy Holla is the place to gets of your "News You Already Know", now in bite-size morales.

* Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi will taking over Astonishing X-Men. Expect the line-up to change from the current roster. Also this run will take place in regular continuity.

* Grant Morrison and J.G Jones will be bringing us DC's Final Crisis and I couldn't be happier.

* The Iron Man footage shown at the Con owned everyone's fan boy ass. Including mine. You can see the footage over at

* The creative teams have been announced for the cash cow that will be Amazing Spider-Man 3x a month. Dan Slott, Steve McNiven, Marc Guggenheim, Salvador Larrocca, Bob Gale, Phil Jimenez, Zeb Wells, and Chris Bachalo. That's a mothfull.

* Judd Winick and Ian Churchill will be brining us Titans East. The interesting thing about this is that Titan East were mentioned in the story arc that featured the Future Titans that made up a team of villains. It now seems that the Titan East referred to in that story wasn't the team that Deathstroke put together but perhaps this new one.

* The trailer for the new animated Spectacular Spider-Man was shown at the Con and I must say that it looked pretty good. Expect to see villains, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Sandman, Venom, The Vulture, and Electro. Also the mechanical web shooters return.

* Terry Moore and Humberto Ramos will be taking over Runaways, who cares?

* The Dark Knight teaser trailer hit the web too. For those who have seen, it is the definition of "teaser trailer". I liked it though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"who cares?" I do! Although I'm not overly excited....
