For My Viewing Pleasure???
This week I checked out a little flick entitled "Smokin Aces". The main reason I wanted to see this movie was largely due to the very cool and fast trailer. At my job that damn trailer plays almost every hour on the hour and after seeing it like ten times a day, even I want to do go out and kill Buddy "Aces" Israel. I was gonna load up the PT Cruiser with the other horsemen, get some guns, blare some shitty rap/rock, and kill Jeremy Piven. So I was really excited to see this movie.
When the movie started I was nervous that it was moving a little slow. I figured it was just starting slow because of all the badass action that would be coming in the second and third act. Sooooo I waited and watched. I watched as Ben Affleck did yet another crappy accent. I watched as Jeremy Piven continued to play Ari Gold, but was now named Buddy Israel. I even watched scene after scene that I had already seen in the various trailers. Basically I watched the whole movie waiting for the shit to hit the fan and deliver on some crazy action and it never happened. Actually there was some action, but it was all in the trailer.
So the action wasn't that great, and I know what you're thinking, "But Diddy what about the story and the crazy twists?" The movie had two big twist. Number one, we find out that the crime boss was actually an FBI agent. This twist was very obvious from the first mention that the boss had so much plastic surgery. The second twist was that Buddy Israel was actually the son of the Mob boss, and that he wanted his heart for a transplant. While I didn't see the twist coming, I did feel that it wasn't very needed. The ending was stupid too. Ryan Reynolds gets all sad while the music from Saw plays and he kills both of them because Alanis Morrisset is divorcing his Van Wilder ass.
Perhaps if this movie didn't have a trailer, I would've liked it more. I should mention that my favorite parts of the movie would be any part with that little kid dressed as the Karate Kid. Now that kid has talents and acted circles around Ben Affleck. Affleck you were the bomb in Phantoms, but not so much in Smokin Aces.
Disclaimer: This review has some minor SPOILERS. Do not go back and read this article again if you don't want key plot points explained to you by a movie critic with poor grammer.
its like the director of this POS (ok not complete POS but close) thought that quick editing and a few semi funny, quirky moments would carry the film. LOOSE!
-Teresa aka a happy person who didnt waste a movie theatre ticket to see smokin' aces
You gotta admit, when Micheal Graves and his nazi brothers shot up Affleck and then made his corpse forgive him was kinda funny.
Lemme know what you thought of Alpha Dog, saw it last night...kind of a rip off of "Bully" with Nick Stale...but was kinda cool non the it has JT who sucsessfully brought sexy back.
It's funny that you mention Alpha Dog because I do plan on downloading that as soon as I get a chance. While I know Alpha Dog is based on a true story, I've heard they took a lot of liberties with it. Look for an Alpha Dog review soon.
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